I purchased two sets of towels from Bold Golf a few weeks ago but wanted to test it out before doing a video or a review. Due to the weather, it made It difficult to do the video (at bottom) but I was finally able to get that done this weekend to show you more about the towel than just some pictures.
After a few rounds with the towel, I must say I never knew I needed a golf towel with a magnet. I probably still don't but it has made things a little easier, especially with the greens towel. I can now magnetize it to the golf cart instead of having it take up room in the compartment or drink holder.
The magnet allows for easy pickup when walking off the green as you can just tap your golf club and no need to bend over. I know that sounds lazy but it really can be a convenience and can help you not forget the towel on the ground. When you hit a bad approach shot and miss the green and need to bring a wedge or another club with you the towel can stay magnetized to your putter when you hit that pitch shot. After you clean your golf ball and get ready to putt you can magnatize the towel to your wedge. This now allows you to pick up your extra club and return to the cart. No need to double-check to make sure you are not forgetting the towel anywhere as it is attached to your clubs.
The full towel can also be magnetized to the golf cart if you choose to do so. I have found however this is kind of annoying. If you attach the magnet to the front post of the golf cart the towel flaps around toward you as the cart is moving. If you attach it to the back post the same thing happens or it twists into your golf bag or the back basket on the cart.
Bold Golf did do something great with their full-sized towels. Not only do they have a magnet but also a loop and a clip attached to that loop. This gives you multiple options on how you can hang your golf towel. Something many other golf towels do not have. They either come with a single way to hang them or no option to hang them at all. Even some that do have an option to hang do not come with the clip to hang them. You have to purchase that separately.
The size of both towels is also great.
The greens towel is big enough to clean a golf ball or wipe your hands on while also being small enough to fit in your pocket while carrying it. When I am on the green putting, 90% of the time, I put that towel in my back pocket. Perfect for when you only bring your putter to the green but I also do it out of habit from having a towel without a magnet. The greens towel can only be purchased in a set with the large towel. Something that every golf company needs to change. You should be able to purchase a greens towel by itself. I've found golfers lose the smaller-sized greens towels more than any other towel. At least the ones without a magnet. Also if they lose a big towel those are easily replaced as they are easier to find or golfers may have extras around the house they got from a golf tournament. Bold Golf should also offer single greens towels for any golfer who may have purchased a large towel by itself then decided they wanted a greens towel. As it is now you have to purchase a whole new set and get both.
The large towel is the same size as a normal caddie towel like what Club Glove sells with a big slit in the middle. A perfect size to use one half to wipe clubs off and use the other half for your hands or to wipe sweat off your face. Some golfers prefer to have half the towel wet and keep the other half dry and that can easily be done as well. The color option of two-toned can be great for those golfers as you can easily distinguish what side is wet or dry based on the color.
Both towels are a microfiber waffle pattern and do a great job of getting dirt off your golf balls or golf clubs. When you wipe down a clubface the dirt actually sticks to the towel and doesn't smear on the clubface. It doesn't work magic and clean the grooves so you still might have to use a brush but it gets the job done. After you use the brush it does not push the dirt back into the grooves like some other towels I have used in the past have done.
The one thing I personally do not like is how the towel hangs. Instead of putting the magnet and clip in the middle of the towel, they separated it so one side hangs lower than the other. This looks cool for the two-toned colors but it causes issues depending on how or where you hang your towel. If you use the clip and hang it from the side of your bag, where most golf bags have a ring for this exact purpose, the towel can hang low enough it is close to the ground directly behind the tire of the golf cart. When not on the cart the towel hangs low enough that it sits on the ground. I know it's just a towel and it is meant to get dirty but I personally do not want to have to wash it after every round unless it its dirty from me using it the way it is intended. Plus if the ground is wet like it has been lately, the towel not only soaks up that moisture but it gets extra dirty leaving you a smaller amount of usable towel when you need it.
I do highly recommend a Bold Golf towel for golfers. Not only because of the magnet but the size and material of the towel are great. I also recommend getting a set that includes the greens towel. The cleaner your golf ball is, including grass stains, when you are putting the better that ball will roll on the green.